LGBTQ FRIENDLY MERCHANTS Will you pledge to treat our guests with PRIDE? There’s little that compares to the feeling of walking into a place and being immediately comfortable, your shoulders loosen, your breathing slows, you relax, knowing you can be yourself. Finding
those spaces has often been hard for the LGBTQ+ community. If you are a business, click here:
America, and hopefully the world, is coming around to the fact that the LGBTQ community is healthy, here to stay and growing more powerful every day. Like a "shock absorber" THEAPP from LGBTQ.ONE smooths out the ride. Get on-board Today! ??
Hello, I am Bill Thompson with LGBTQ.ONE, located here in beautiful Phoenix, Arizona. We offer a new high tech PWA guide to safe travel and local merchant interactions specifically for the LGBTQ community, simply called “THEAPP”. Our app/guide for the LGBTQ community is FREE to use and gets over 90,000 visits per month with over 3 million hits. Merchant Participation is a little as $12.50/mo with an annual subscription. Our 90 second animated video explains how we drive such strong traffic. You can check out how our program works at .

#lgbt #lgbtq #lesbian #gay #bisexual #trans #queer #lgbtqhistory #she #lgbtqcommunity #gayhistory #theapp #life #love
Hello Jeffery, and thank you so much for checking out our unique program. I just checked our app and we have over 300 businesses listed in or near (well witching 100 miles) of Fontana CA. Be sure you "allow location" on your phone or mobile device (or laptop or
desk or tablet) If you have " do not allow" then the app does not know where you are. There is a little blue button on the right side of the Navigation Screen on THEAPP. Click it, enter Fontana CA and then "confirm location" and you should see several hundred local businesses listed. If you need help, we are here for you 23 hours a day 7 days a week 480-966-9330 or 1-800-LGBTQ-01 ( 1-800-542-8701) Thank You for taking a look at our program, we would love to have you onboard. Bill Thompson
THEAPP is used by over 35,000 people looking for services like yours every month generating over 90,000 visits. At $6.99 a month, value or "bang for your buck" surely can't be a question. We are asking, do you just not want to be in a "Gay" application? ??
I would like to ask a question if I may, and of course you may answer if you choose. I am just trying to understand our customer base and
see if we are providing a service that is genuinely useful to them. Our project was developed to allow friendly and non-hostile interactions between merchants and service providers and the more than 33,000 members of the LGBTQ community who use our application to find them. I am just trying to see where we are possibly missing the mark. You say your business cannot use our services. So, I am trying to figure out simply ... why not?
#life #love #lgbt #give #money #lgbtq #lesbian #gay #happy #transgendersafespace #queer #lgbtqhistory #lgbtqcommunity #gayhistory #theapp
THEAPP is used by over 35,000 people looking for services like yours every month generating over 90,000 visits. At $9.99 a month, value or "bang for your buck" surely can't be in question. Reach out, as an allied merchant to the LGBTQ community. ?
#life #love #lgbt #give #money #lgbtq #lesbian #gay #happy #transgendersafespace #queer #lgbtqhistory #lgbtqcommunity #gayhistory #theapp
Our Mission
We seek PEACEFUL, meaningful, and fulfilling exchanges between members of the LGBTQ community and the merchants who desire to serve them.
Until now it was a gamble! A Gay person never knew when he or she walked into a merchant's business what they were going to be confronted with.
The merchant could be open, honest, respectful and everything can go right. Unfortunately, the merchants can be biased, homophobic, or just plain crazy and things can go south and get very ugly. Traveling or at home, leisure time should be LGBTQ SAFE time.
LGBTQ.ONE, announces the release of an all new and cutting-edge technology offering safety, security, and acceptance never before possible for members of the community. We would like to introduce you to this new app and show you how it will benefit the community members, merchants and vendors, literally around the world in everyday interactions with merchants and services
where ever they travel.
Our new and unique PWA technology works on ANY device, iOS, Apple, Windows, PC, Mac, Smart Phone, Android, Mac Book, Tablet, smart watch, et al. and can significantly benefit merchants by guiding members of the community to their location. If a member wants to find a hat, a hot dog, or car repair, just type it in and you will be guided to that merchant’s business immediately.
I would like to ask a question if I may, and of course you may answer if you choose. I am just trying to understand our customer base and see if we are providing a service that is genuinely useful to them. Our project was developed to allow friendly and non-hostile interactions between merchants and service providers and the more than 33,000 members of the LGBTQ community who use our
application to find them. I am just trying to see where we are possibly missing the mark. You say your school cannot use our services. So, I am trying to figure out simply ... why not? With the cost to you being as little as $6.99 a month, price certainly can't be the issue and with our free application being used by over 30,000 people looking for services like yours every month generating over 90,000 visits (See Google Analytics on our site), value or "bang for your buck" surely can't be the problem. so.... We have been looking at this and we are asking, do you just not want to be in a "Gay" application?
WE need several freelance sales pros who can work a phone and sell a subscription. We offer a service (you can see how it works at that almost any business canoes. It is new, unique, different and it works! It is a commission only, 1099
position. You set your own pace, make your own schedule and you get a commission AND a residual on every sale. Commissions range from $48 per sale to $120 or more depending on the package the merchant chooses. If you would like to learn more, Call Bill at 480-966-9330 or visit Thank You! Bill ThompsonLGBTQ.ONE home of THEAPP 1-800-LGBTQ-01 OR